Notice: require(): Read of 60808 bytes failed with errno=14 Bad address in /home/mazadatland/public_html/vendor/composer/autoload_real.php on line 78

Notice: require(): Read of 60808 bytes failed with errno=12 Cannot allocate memory in /home/mazadatland/public_html/vendor/composer/autoload_real.php on line 78

Notice: require(): Read of 60808 bytes failed with errno=14 Bad address in /home/mazadatland/public_html/vendor/composer/autoload_real.php on line 78
anel(string $url = null): bool { if (empty($url)) { $isValid = ( request()->segment(1) == admin_uri() || request()->segment(1) == 'impersonate' || str_contains(currentRouteAction(), '\Admin\\') ); } else { try { $urlPath = '/' . ltrim(parse_url($url, PHP_URL_PATH), '/'); $adminUri = '/' . ltrim(admin_uri(), '/'); $isValid = ( str_starts_with($urlPath, $adminUri) || str_starts_with($urlPath, '/impersonate') ); } catch (\Throwable $e) { $isValid = false; } } return $isValid; } /** * Check dev environment * * @param string|null $url * @return bool */ function isDevEnv(string $url = null): bool { if (empty($url)) { $url = config('app.url'); } $domain = getDomain($url); return ( str_contains($domain, 'bedigit.local') || str_contains($domain, 'laraclassifier.local') ); } /** * Check demo environment * * @param string|null $url * @return bool */ function isDemoEnv(string $url = null): bool { if (empty($url)) { $url = config('app.url'); } return ( getDomain($url) == config('larapen.core.demo.domain') || in_array(getHost($url), (array)config('larapen.core.demo.hosts')) ); } /** * Check the demo website domain * * @param string|null $url * @return bool */ function isDemoDomain(string $url = null): bool { $isDemoDomain = isDemoEnv($url); if (!$isDemoDomain) { return false; } if (auth()->check()) { if ( auth()->user()->can(Permission::getStaffPermissions()) && md5(auth()->user()->id) == 'c4ca4238a0b923820dcc509a6f75849b' ) { $isDemoDomain = false; } } return $isDemoDomain; } /** * Get the Country Code from URI Path * * @return string|null */ function getCountryCodeFromPath(): ?string { $countryCode = null; // With these URLs, the language code and the country code can be available in the segments // (If the "Multi-countries URLs Optimization" is enabled) if (isFromUrlThatCanContainCountryCode()) { $countryCode = request()->segment(1); } // With these URLs, the language code and the country code are available in the segments if (isFromUrlAlwaysContainingCountryCode()) { $countryCode = request()->segment(2); } return $countryCode; } /** * Check if user is coming from a URL that can contain the country code * With these URLs, the language code and the country code can be available in the segments * (If the "Multi-countries URLs Optimization" is enabled) * * @return bool */ function isFromUrlThatCanContainCountryCode(): bool { if (config('settings.seo.multi_country_urls')) { if ( str_contains(currentRouteAction(), 'SearchController') || str_contains(currentRouteAction(), 'CategoryController') || str_contains(currentRouteAction(), 'CityController') || str_contains(currentRouteAction(), 'UserController') || str_contains(currentRouteAction(), 'TagController') || str_contains(currentRouteAction(), 'CompanyController') || str_contains(currentRouteAction(), 'SitemapController') ) { return true; } } return false; } /** * Check if called page can always have the country code * With these URLs, the language code and the country code are available in the segments * * @param string|null $url * @return bool */ function isFromUrlAlwaysContainingCountryCode(string $url = null): bool { if (empty($url)) { $isValid = ( str_ends_with(request()->url(), '.xml') || str_contains(currentRouteAction(), 'SitemapsController') ); } else { $isValid = (str_ends_with($url, '.xml')); } return $isValid; } /** * Transform Description column before displaying it * * @param $string * @return string */ function transformDescription($string) { if (config('settings.single.wysiwyg_editor') != 'none') { try { $string = \Mews\Purifier\Facades\Purifier::clean($string); } catch (\Throwable $e) { // Nothing. } $string = urls_to_links($string); } else { $string = nl2br(urls_to_links(mb_str_cleaner($string))); } return $string; } /** * Tags Cleaner * Prevent problem with the #hashtags when they are only numeric * * @param $tagString * @param bool $forceArrayReturn * @return array|string|null */ function tagCleaner($tagString, bool $forceArrayReturn = false) { $limit = (int)config('settings.single.tags_limit', 15); return taggable($tagString, $limit, $forceArrayReturn); } /** * Return an array of spoken languages in the selected country * * @return array */ function getCountrySpokenLanguages(): array { $supportedLanguages = getSupportedLanguages(); $spokenLanguages = config('country.languages'); $spokenLanguages = explode(',', $spokenLanguages); if (config('settings.localization.show_country_spoken_languages') == 'active_with_en') { $spokenLanguages[] = 'en'; } if (config('settings.localization.show_country_spoken_languages') == 'active_with_main') { $spokenLanguages[] = strtolower(config('appLang.code')); } if (empty($spokenLanguages)) return []; return collect($spokenLanguages) ->unique() ->map(function ($item) use ($supportedLanguages) { if (empty($supportedLanguages)) return $item; foreach ($supportedLanguages as $code => $lang) { if (str_starts_with($code, $item)) { $item = $lang; break; // Important } } return $item; }) ->filter(fn ($item) => is_array($item)) ->keyBy('code') ->toArray(); } /** * Return an array of all supported languages * * @return array */ function getSupportedLanguages(): array { $cacheExpiration = (int)config('settings.optimization.cache_expiration', 86400); // Get supported languages from database try { // Get all DB Languages $cacheId = ''; $supportedLanguages = cache()->remember($cacheId, $cacheExpiration, function () { return \App\Models\Language::where('active', 1)->orderBy('lft')->get(); }); $supportedLanguages = collect($supportedLanguages->toArray()); if ($supportedLanguages->isNotEmpty()) { $supportedLanguages = $supportedLanguages->keyBy('code'); } } catch (\Throwable $e) { /* * Database or tables don't exist. * The script will display an error or will start the installation. * Please don't change anything here. */ $supportedLanguages = collect(); } return $supportedLanguages->toArray(); } /** * Check if language code is available * * @param string|null $code * @return bool */ function isAvailableLang(?string $code): bool { $cacheExpiration = (int)config('settings.optimization.cache_expiration', 86400); $cacheId = 'language.' . $code; $lang = cache()->remember($cacheId, $cacheExpiration, function () use ($code) { return \App\Models\Language::where('code', $code)->first(); }); return !empty($lang); } /** * @return string */ function detectLocale(): string { $lang = detectLanguage(); $defaultLocale = 'en_US'; $locale = !$lang->isEmpty() ? $lang->get('locale') : $defaultLocale; return getAsString($locale, $defaultLocale); } /** * @return \Illuminate\Support\Collection */ function detectLanguage(): \Illuminate\Support\Collection { $obj = new App\Helpers\Localization\Language(); return $obj->find(); } /** * Get all countries from PHP array (umpirsky) * * @return array|null */ function getCountriesFromArray(): ?array { $countries = new App\Helpers\Localization\Helpers\Country(); $countries = $countries->all(); if (empty($countries)) return null; $arr = []; foreach ($countries as $code => $value) { if (!file_exists(storage_path('database/geonames/countries/' . strtolower($code) . '.sql'))) { continue; } $row = ['value' => $code, 'text' => $value]; $arr[] = $row; } return $arr; } /** * Get all countries from DB (Geonames) & Translate them * * @param bool $includeNonActive * @return array */ function getCountries(bool $includeNonActive = false): array { $arr = []; // Get installed countries list $countries = CountryHelper::getCountries($includeNonActive); if ($countries->count() > 0) { foreach ($countries as $code => $country) { // The country entry must be a Laravel Collection object if (!$country instanceof \Illuminate\Support\Collection) { $country = collect($country); } // Get the country data $code = ($country->has('code')) ? $country->get('code') : $code; $name = ($country->has('name')) ? $country->get('name') : ''; $arr[$code] = $name; } } return $arr; } /** * Pluralization * * @param $number * @return int */ function getPlural($number) { return number_plural($number, config('lang.russian_pluralization')); } /** * Get URL of Page by page's type * * @param string|null $type * @param string|null $locale * @return string */ function getUrlPageByType(?string $type, string $locale = null): string { if (is_null($locale)) { $locale = config('app.locale'); } $cacheExpiration = (int)config('settings.optimization.cache_expiration', 86400); $cacheId = 'page.' . $locale . '.type.' . $type; $page = cache()->remember($cacheId, $cacheExpiration, function () use ($type, $locale) { $page = \App\Models\Page::type($type)->first(); if (!empty($page)) { $page->setLocale($locale); } return $page; }); $linkTarget = ''; $linkRel = ''; if (!empty($page)) { if ($page->target_blank == 1) { $linkTarget = ' target="_blank"'; } if (!empty($page->external_link)) { $linkRel = ' rel="nofollow"'; $url = $page->external_link; } else { $url = \App\Helpers\UrlGen::page($page); } } else { $url = '#'; } // Get attributes return 'href="' . $url . '"' . $linkRel . $linkTarget; } /** * @param string|null $uploadType * @param bool $jsFormat * @return array|false|\Illuminate\Config\Repository|\Illuminate\Contracts\Foundation\Application|mixed|string|string[] */ function getUploadFileTypes(?string $uploadType = 'file', bool $jsFormat = false) { if ($uploadType == 'image') { $types = config('settings.upload.image_types', 'jpg,jpeg,gif,png'); } else { $types = config('settings.upload.file_types', 'pdf,doc,docx,word,rtf,rtx,ppt,pptx,odt,odp,wps,jpeg,jpg,bmp,png'); } $separators = ['|', '-', ';', '.', '/', '_', ' ']; $types = str_replace($separators, ',', $types); if ($jsFormat) { $types = explode(',', $types); $types = array_filter($types, function ($value) { return $value !== ''; }); $types = json_encode($types); } return $types; } /** * @param string|null $uploadType * @return array|mixed|string */ function showValidFileTypes(?string $uploadType = 'file') { $formats = getUploadFileTypes($uploadType); return str_replace(',', ', ', $formats); } /** * Get Public File's URL * * @param string|null $filePath * @return \Illuminate\Contracts\Routing\UrlGenerator|string */ function fileUrl(?string $filePath) { // Storage Disk Init. $disk = \App\Helpers\Files\Storage\StorageDisk::getDisk(); try { return $disk->url($filePath); } catch (\Throwable $e) { return url('common/file?path=' . $filePath); } } /** * Get Private File's URL * * @param string|null $filePath * @param string|null $diskName * @return \Illuminate\Contracts\Foundation\Application|\Illuminate\Contracts\Routing\UrlGenerator|string */ function privateFileUrl(?string $filePath, ?string $diskName = 'private') { $queryString = 'path=' . $filePath; // For JC if (str_starts_with($filePath, 'resumes/')) { $diskName = 'private'; } if (!empty($diskName)) { $queryString = 'disk=' . $diskName . '&' . $queryString; } return url('common/file?' . $queryString); } /** * @param string|null $filePath * @param string|null $preConfigSize * @param array|null $attr * @return string */ function imgTag(?string $filePath, ?string $preConfigSize = 'big', ?array $attr = []): string { $src = imgUrl($filePath, $preConfigSize); $attr = buildAttributes($attr); $out = ''; if (config('settings.optimization.webp_format')) { $srcWebp = imgUrl($filePath, $preConfigSize, true); if (!str_ends_with($srcWebp, '.webp')) { $out .= ''; } else { $out .= ''; $out .= ''; $out .= ''; $out .= ''; } } else { $out .= ''; } return $out; } /** * @param string|null $filePath * @param string|null $preConfigSize * @param bool $webpFormat * @return string */ function imgUrl(?string $filePath, ?string $preConfigSize = 'big', bool $webpFormat = false): string { // Storage Disk Init. $disk = \App\Helpers\Files\Storage\StorageDisk::getDisk(); // Check if this is the default picture if ( str_contains($filePath, config('larapen.core.logo')) || str_contains($filePath, config('larapen.core.favicon')) || str_contains($filePath, config('larapen.core.picture.default')) || str_contains($filePath, config('larapen.core.avatar.default')) || str_contains($filePath, config('larapen.admin.logo.dark')) || str_contains($filePath, config('larapen.admin.logo.light')) ) { return $disk->url($filePath) . getPictureVersion(); } // Get pre-resized picture URL $picTypesAdmin = ['logo', 'cat', 'small', 'medium', 'big']; $picTypesOther = array_keys((array)config('larapen.core.picture.otherTypes')); $picTypesGlobal = array_merge($picTypesAdmin, $picTypesOther); if (!in_array($preConfigSize, $picTypesGlobal)) { try { return $disk->url($filePath) . getPictureVersion(); } catch (\Throwable $e) { return url('common/file?path=' . $filePath) . getPictureVersion(true); } } // Check, Create thumbnail and Get its URL if ($webpFormat) { return resizeWebp($disk, $filePath, $preConfigSize); } else { return resize($disk, $filePath, $preConfigSize); } } /** * @param $disk * @param string|null $filePath * @param string|null $preConfigSize * @param bool $webpFormat * @return string */ function resize($disk, ?string $filePath, ?string $preConfigSize = 'big', bool $webpFormat = false): string { // Image Quality $imageQuality = config('settings.upload.image_quality', 90); // Get Dimensions $defaultWidth = config('larapen.core.picture.otherTypes.' . $preConfigSize . '.width', 816); $defaultHeight = config('larapen.core.picture.otherTypes.' . $preConfigSize . '.height', 460); $width = (int)config('settings.upload.img_resize_' . $preConfigSize . '_width', $defaultWidth); $height = (int)config('settings.upload.img_resize_' . $preConfigSize . '_height', $defaultHeight); $filename = (!str_ends_with($filePath, DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR)) ? basename($filePath) : ''; $fileDir = str_replace($filename, '', $filePath); $fileDir = rtrim($fileDir, DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR) . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR; // WebP $filenameWithoutExtension = substr($filename, 0, strrpos($filename, '.')); $webpFilename = $filenameWithoutExtension . '.webp'; if ($webpFormat) { $filename = $webpFilename; } // Thumb file name $sizeLabel = $width . 'x' . $height; $thumbFilename = 'thumb-' . $sizeLabel . '-' . $filename; $thumbFilePath = $fileDir . $thumbFilename; // Check if thumb image exists if (!$disk->exists($thumbFilePath)) { // Create thumb image if it not exists try { // Get file extension if ($webpFormat) { $extension = 'webp'; } else { $extension = (is_png($disk->get($filePath))) ? 'png' : 'jpg'; } // Init. Intervention $image = \Intervention\Image\Facades\Image::make($disk->get($filePath)); // Get the image original dimensions $imgWidth = $image->width(); $imgHeight = $image->height(); // Manage Image By Type // Get Other Types Parameters if (in_array($preConfigSize, array_keys((array)config('larapen.core.picture.otherTypes')))) { // Get image manipulation settings $width = (int)config('larapen.core.picture.otherTypes.' . $preConfigSize . '.width', 900); $height = (int)config('larapen.core.picture.otherTypes.' . $preConfigSize . '.height', 900); $ratio = config('larapen.core.picture.otherTypes.' . $preConfigSize . '.ratio', '1'); $upSize = config('larapen.core.picture.otherTypes.' . $preConfigSize . '.upsize', '0'); // If the original dimensions are higher than the resize dimensions // OR the 'upsize' option is enable, then resize the image if ($imgWidth > $width || $imgHeight > $height) { // Resize $image = $image->resize($width, $height, function ($constraint) use ($ratio, $upSize) { if ($ratio == '1') { $constraint->aspectRatio(); } if ($upSize == '1') { $constraint->upsize(); } }); } } else if (in_array($preConfigSize, ['logo', 'cat'])) { // Get image manipulation settings $ratio = config('settings.upload.img_resize_' . $preConfigSize . '_ratio', '1'); $upSize = config('settings.upload.img_resize_' . $preConfigSize . '_upsize', '0'); // If the original dimensions are higher than the resize dimensions // OR the 'upsize' option is enable, then resize the image if ($imgWidth > $width || $imgHeight > $height || $upSize == '1') { // Resize $image = $image->resize($width, $height, function ($constraint) use ($ratio, $upSize) { if ($ratio == '1') { $constraint->aspectRatio(); } if ($upSize == '1') { $constraint->upsize(); } }); } } else if (in_array($preConfigSize, ['large', 'big', 'medium', 'small'])) { // Get image manipulation settings $resizeType = config('settings.upload.img_resize_' . $preConfigSize . '_resize_type', '0'); $ratio = config('settings.upload.img_resize_' . $preConfigSize . '_ratio', '1'); $upSize = config('settings.upload.img_resize_' . $preConfigSize . '_upsize', '0'); $position = config('settings.upload.img_resize_' . $preConfigSize . '_position', 'center'); $relative = config('settings.upload.img_resize_' . $preConfigSize . '_relative', false); $bgColor = config('settings.upload.img_resize_' . $preConfigSize . '_bg_color', 'ffffff'); if ($resizeType == '0') { if ($imgWidth > $width || $imgHeight > $height || $upSize == '1') { // Resize $image = $image->resize($width, $height, function ($constraint) use ($ratio, $upSize) { if ($ratio == '1') { $constraint->aspectRatio(); } if ($upSize == '1') { $constraint->upsize(); } }); } } else if ($resizeType == '1') { // Fit $image = $image->fit($width, $height, function ($constraint) use ($ratio, $upSize) { if ($ratio == '1') { $constraint->aspectRatio(); } if ($upSize == '1') { $constraint->upsize(); } }); } else if ($resizeType == '2') { if ($imgWidth > $width || $imgHeight > $height || $upSize == '1') { // Resize (for ResizeCanvas) $image = $image->resize($width, $height, function ($constraint) use ($ratio, $upSize) { if ($ratio == '1') { $constraint->aspectRatio(); } if ($upSize == '1') { $constraint->upsize(); } }); } // ResizeCanvas $image = $image->resizeCanvas($width, $height, $position, $relative, $bgColor)->resize($width, $height); } else { if ($imgWidth > $width || $imgHeight > $height) { // Resize (with hard parameters) $image = $image->resize($width, $height, function ($constraint) { $constraint->aspectRatio(); }); } } } else { if ($imgWidth > $width || $imgHeight > $height) { // Resize (with hard parameters) $image = $image->resize($width, $height, function ($constraint) { $constraint->aspectRatio(); }); } } // Encode the Image! $image = $image->encode($extension, $imageQuality); } catch (\Throwable $e) { $storageDisk = \Illuminate\Support\Facades\Storage::disk(config('filesystems.default')); return $storageDisk->url($filePath) . getPictureVersion(); } // Store the image on disk. $disk->put($thumbFilePath, $image->stream()->__toString()); // Now delete temporary intervention image as we have moved it to Storage folder with Laravel filesystem. $image->destroy(); } // Get the image URL try { return $disk->url($thumbFilePath) . getPictureVersion(); } catch (\Throwable $e) { return url('common/file?path=' . $thumbFilePath) . getPictureVersion(); } } /** * @param $disk * @param string|null $filePath * @param string|null $type * @return string */ function resizeWebp($disk, ?string $filePath, ?string $type = 'big'): string { return resize($disk, $filePath, $type, true); } /** * Get pictures version * * @param bool $queryStringExists * @return string */ function getPictureVersion(bool $queryStringExists = false): string { $pictureVersion = ''; if (config('larapen.core.picture.versioned') && !empty(config('larapen.core.picture.version'))) { $pictureVersion .= ($queryStringExists) ? '&' : '?'; $pictureVersion .= 'v=' . config('larapen.core.picture.version'); } return $pictureVersion; } /** * List of auth fields | List of notification channels * * @param bool $asChannel * @return array */ function getAuthFields(bool $asChannel = false): array { $authFields = [ 'email' => $asChannel ? trans('settings.mail') : trans('global.email_address'), ]; $phoneIsEnabledAsAuthField = (config('settings.sms.enable_phone_as_auth_field') == '1'); if ($phoneIsEnabledAsAuthField) { $authFields['phone'] = $asChannel ? trans('settings.sms') : trans('global.phone_number'); } return $authFields; } /** * Get the auth field * * @param $entity * @return string */ function getAuthField($entity = null): string { $authFields = array_keys(getAuthFields()); $defaultAuthField = config('settings.sms.default_auth_field', 'email'); // From default value $authField = $defaultAuthField; // From authenticated user's data $guard = isFromApi() ? 'sanctum' : null; if (auth($guard)->check()) { $savedValue = auth($guard)->user()->auth_field ?? $authField; $authField = (!empty($savedValue)) ? $savedValue : $authField; } // From a database table // '$entity' can be any table object that has 'auth_field' column if (!empty($entity)) { $savedValue = (is_array($entity)) ? ($entity['auth_field'] ?? $defaultAuthField) : ($entity->auth_field ?? $defaultAuthField); $authField = (!empty($savedValue)) ? $savedValue : $defaultAuthField; } // From form if (request()->filled('auth_field')) { $authField = request()->input('auth_field'); } $authField = (in_array($authField, $authFields)) ? $authField : $defaultAuthField; $phoneIsEnabledAsAuthField = (config('settings.sms.enable_phone_as_auth_field') == '1'); return ($phoneIsEnabledAsAuthField) ? $authField : 'email'; } /** * Get the auth field name from its value * * @param string|null $value * @return string */ function getAuthFieldFromItsValue(?string $value = null): string { $field = 'username'; if (filter_var($value, FILTER_VALIDATE_EMAIL)) { $field = 'email'; } else if (preg_match('/^((\+|00)\d{1,3})?[\s\d]+$/', $value)) { $field = 'phone'; } return $field; } /** * Get the auth field from the Token page * * @return string|null */ function getAuthFieldOnTokenPage(): ?string { $authFields = array_keys(getAuthFields()); // Get the right auth field $authField = null; if (request()->segment(2) == 'verify') { if ( !empty(request()->segment(3)) && in_array(request()->segment(3), $authFields) ) { $authField = request()->segment(3); } } return $authField; } /** * @param $defaultCountryCode * @return mixed */ function getPhoneCountry($defaultCountryCode = null) { $countryCode = isFromApi() ? config('country.code') : session('countryCode'); $countryCode = $defaultCountryCode ?? $countryCode; $countryCode = request()->input('country_code', $countryCode); return request()->input('phone_country', $countryCode); } /** * @param bool $allowUserToChoose * @return bool */ function isUsersCanChooseNotifyChannel(bool $allowUserToChoose = false): bool { $usersCanChooseNotifyChannel = (config('settings.sms.enable_phone_as_auth_field') == '1'); if ($allowUserToChoose) { return $usersCanChooseNotifyChannel; } if (auth()->check()) { $usersCanChooseNotifyChannel = ( $usersCanChooseNotifyChannel && config('settings.sms.messenger_notifications') == '1' ); } return $usersCanChooseNotifyChannel; } /** * @return bool */ function isBothAuthFieldsCanBeDisplayed(): bool { $emailNeedToBeVerified = (config('settings.mail.email_verification') == '1'); $phoneNeedToBeVerified = (config('settings.sms.phone_verification') == '1'); $isBothAuthFieldNeedToBeVerified = ($emailNeedToBeVerified && $phoneNeedToBeVerified); $isBothAuthFieldsCanBeDisplayed = (bool)config('larapen.core.displayBothAuthFields'); if ($isBothAuthFieldNeedToBeVerified) { return false; } return $isBothAuthFieldsCanBeDisplayed; } /** * @return array|\Illuminate\Contracts\Translation\Translator|string|null */ function getTokenLabel() { $authField = getAuthFieldOnTokenPage(); if ($authField == 'email') { return t('Code received by Email'); } if ($authField == 'phone') { return t('Code received by SMS'); } return t('Code received by SMS or Email'); } /** * @return array|\Illuminate\Contracts\Translation\Translator|string|null */ function getTokenMessage() { $authField = getAuthFieldOnTokenPage(); if ($authField == 'email') { return t('Enter the code you received by Email in the field below'); } if ($authField == 'phone') { return t('Enter the code you received by SMS in the field below'); } return t('Enter the code you received by SMS or Email in the field below'); } /** * Replace global variables patterns from string * * @param string|null $string * @param bool $removeUnmatchedPatterns * @return string|string[] */ function replaceGlobalPatterns(?string $string, bool $removeUnmatchedPatterns = true) { $string = str_replace('{}', config(''), $string); $string = str_replace('{}', config(''), $string); $string = str_replace('{country}', config(''), $string); if (config('')) { $string = str_replace('{app.slogan}', config(''), $string); } if (str_contains($string, '{count.listings}')) { try { $countPosts = Post::query()->inCountry()->has('country')->unarchived()->count(); } catch (\Throwable $e) { $countPosts = 0; } $string = str_replace('{count.listings}', $countPosts, $string); } if (str_contains($string, '{count.users}')) { try { $countUsers = User::query()->count(); } catch (\Throwable $e) { $countUsers = 0; } $string = str_replace('{count.users}', $countUsers, $string); } if ($removeUnmatchedPatterns) { $string = removeUnmatchedPatterns($string); } return $string; } /** * Get meta tag from settings * * @param string|null $page * @return array */ function getMetaTag(?string $page): array { $metaTag = ['title' => '', 'description' => '', 'keywords' => '']; // Check if the Domain Mapping plugin is available if (config('plugins.domainmapping.installed')) { $metaTag = \extras\plugins\domainmapping\Domainmapping::getMetaTag($page); if (!empty($metaTag) && !arrayItemsAreEmpty($metaTag)) { return $metaTag; } } // Get the current Language $languageCode = config('lang.code', config('app.locale')); // Get the Page's MetaTag $model = null; try { $cacheExpiration = (int)config('settings.optimization.cache_expiration', 86400); $cacheId = 'metaTag.' . $languageCode . '.' . $page; $model = cache()->remember($cacheId, $cacheExpiration, function () use ($languageCode, $page) { $model = \App\Models\MetaTag::where('page', $page)->first(['title', 'description', 'keywords']); if (!empty($model)) { $model->setLocale($languageCode); $model = $model->toArray(); } return $model; }); } catch (\Throwable $e) { } if (!empty($model)) { $metaTag = $model; $metaTag['title'] = getColumnTranslation($metaTag['title'], $languageCode); $metaTag['description'] = getColumnTranslation($metaTag['description'], $languageCode); $metaTag['keywords'] = getColumnTranslation($metaTag['keywords'], $languageCode); $metaTag['title'] = replaceGlobalPatterns($metaTag['title'], false); $metaTag['description'] = replaceGlobalPatterns($metaTag['description'], false); $metaTag['keywords'] = mb_strtolower(replaceGlobalPatterns($metaTag['keywords'], false)); return array_values($metaTag); } $pagesThatHaveTheirOwnDefaultMetaTags = [ 'search', 'searchCategory', 'searchLocation', 'searchProfile', 'searchTag', 'listingDetails', 'staticPage', ]; if (!in_array($page, $pagesThatHaveTheirOwnDefaultMetaTags)) { if (config('')) { $metaTag['title'] = config('') . ' - ' . config(''); } else { $metaTag['title'] = config('') . ' - ' . config(''); } $metaTag['description'] = $metaTag['title']; } if (!is_array($metaTag)) { $metaTag = []; } $metaTag['title'] = $metaTag['title'] ?? null; $metaTag['description'] = $metaTag['description'] ?? null; $metaTag['keywords'] = $metaTag['keywords'] ?? null; return is_array($metaTag) ? array_values($metaTag) : []; } /** * Get the Distance Calculation Unit * * @param string|null $countryCode * @return string */ function getDistanceUnit(string $countryCode = null) { if (empty($countryCode)) { $countryCode = config('country.code'); } $unit = \Larapen\LaravelDistance\Helper::getDistanceUnit($countryCode); return t($unit); } /** * Get Front Skin * * @param string|null $skin * @return \Illuminate\Config\Repository|\Illuminate\Contracts\Foundation\Application|mixed */ function getFrontSkin(string $skin = null) { $savedSkin = config('', 'default'); if (!empty($skin)) { $skinsArray = config('larapen.core.skins'); if (!is_array($skinsArray) || !array_key_exists($skin, $skinsArray)) { $skin = $savedSkin; } } else { $skin = $savedSkin; } return $skin; } /** * Hashids is a small PHP library to generate YouTube-like ids from numbers. * Use it when you don't want to expose your database numeric ids to users * * @param $in * @param bool $toNum * @param bool $withPrefix * @param int $minHashLength * @param string $salt * @return array|mixed|string|null */ function hashId($in, bool $toNum = false, bool $withPrefix = true, int $minHashLength = 11, string $salt = '') { if (!config('settings.seo.listing_hashed_id_enabled') && !isHashedId($in)) { return $in; } $hidPrefix = $withPrefix ? config('larapen.core.hashableIdPrefix') : ''; $hidPrefix = is_string($hidPrefix) ? $hidPrefix : ''; $hashIds = new \Hashids\Hashids($salt, $minHashLength); if (!$toNum) { $out = $hidPrefix . $hashIds->encode($in); } else { $in = ltrim($in, $hidPrefix); $out = $hashIds->decode($in); if (isset($out[0])) { $out = $out[0]; } } return !empty($out) ? $out : null; } /** * @param $in * @param int $minHashLength * @return bool */ function isHashedId($in, int $minHashLength = 11): bool { $hidPrefix = config('larapen.core.hashableIdPrefix'); $hidPrefixLength = is_string($hidPrefix) ? strlen($hidPrefix) : 0; return ( preg_match('/[a-z0-9A-Z]+/', $in) && (strlen($in) == ($minHashLength + $hidPrefixLength)) ); } /** * Get routes prefixes to ban to match listing route's path * * @return array */ function regexSimilarRoutesPrefixes(): array { $routes = (array)config('routes'); $prefixes = []; foreach ($routes as $route) { $prefix = head(explode('/', $route)); if (!str_starts_with($prefix, '{')) { $prefixes[] = $prefix; } } return array_unique($prefixes); } /** * Check if the user browser is the given value. * The given value can be: * 'Firefox', 'Chrome', 'Safari', 'Opera', 'MSIE', 'Trident', 'Edge' * * Usage: doesUserBrowserIs('Chrome') or doesUserBrowserIs() == 'Chrome' * * @param string|null $browser * @return bool */ function doesUserBrowserIs(string $browser = null): bool { if (!empty($browser)) { return (str_contains(request()->server('HTTP_USER_AGENT'), $browser)); } else { $browsers = ['Firefox', 'Chrome', 'Safari', 'Opera', 'MSIE', 'Trident', 'Edge']; $agent = request()->server('HTTP_USER_AGENT'); $userBrowser = null; foreach ($browsers as $browser) { if (str_contains($agent, $browser)) { $userBrowser = $browser; break; } } return !empty($userBrowser); } } /** * Get sitemaps indexes * * @param bool $htmlFormat * @return string */ function getSitemapsIndexes(bool $htmlFormat = false): string { $out = ''; $countries = \App\Helpers\Localization\Helpers\Country::transAll(CountryHelper::getCountries()); if (!$countries->isEmpty()) { if ($htmlFormat) { $cmFieldStyle = ($countries->count() > 10) ? ' style="height: 205px; overflow-y: scroll;"' : ''; $out .= ''; } foreach ($countries as $country) { if (!$country instanceof Collection) { continue; } $country = CountryHelper::getCountryInfo($country->get('code')); if ($country->isEmpty()) { continue; } /* // Get the Country's Language Code $countryLang = $country->has('lang') ? $country->get('lang') : collect(); $countryLang = ($countryLang instanceof Collection) ? $countryLang : collect(); $countryLangCode = $countryLang->has('code') ? $countryLang->get('code') : config('app.locale'); */ // Add the Sitemap Index if ($htmlFormat) { $out .= '
  • ' . dmUrl($country, $country->get('icode') . '/sitemaps.xml') . '
  • '; } else { $out .= 'Sitemap: ' . dmUrl($country, $country->get('icode') . '/sitemaps.xml') . "\n"; } } if ($htmlFormat) { $out .= ''; } } return $out; } /** * Default robots.txt content * * @return string */ function getDefaultRobotsTxtContent(): string { $out = 'User-agent: *' . "\n"; $out .= 'Disallow:' . "\n"; $out .= "\n"; $out .= 'Allow: /' . "\n"; $out .= "\n"; $out .= 'User-agent: *' . "\n"; $out .= 'Disallow: /' . admin_uri() . '/' . "\n"; $out .= 'Disallow: /ajax/' . "\n"; $out .= 'Disallow: /assets/' . "\n"; $out .= 'Disallow: /css/' . "\n"; $out .= 'Disallow: /js/' . "\n"; $out .= 'Disallow: /vendor/' . "\n"; $out .= 'Disallow: /main.php' . "\n"; $out .= 'Disallow: /index.php' . "\n"; $out .= 'Disallow: /mix-manifest.json' . "\n"; $out .= 'Disallow: /*?display=*' . "\n"; // Listings list display mode $languages = getSupportedLanguages(); if (!empty($languages)) { foreach ($languages as $code => $lang) { $out .= 'Disallow: /locale/' . $code . "\n"; } } $providers = ['facebook', 'linkedin', 'twitter', 'google']; foreach ($providers as $provider) { $out .= 'Disallow: /auth/' . $provider . "\n"; } return $out; } /** * Generate the Email Form button * * @param null $post * @param bool $btnBlock * @param bool $iconOnly * @return string */ function genEmailContactBtn($post = null, bool $btnBlock = false, bool $iconOnly = false): string { $post = (is_array($post)) ? Arr::toObject($post) : $post; $out = ''; if (!isVerifiedPost($post)) { return $out; } $smsNotificationCanBeSent = ( config('settings.sms.enable_phone_as_auth_field') == '1' && config('settings.sms.messenger_notifications') == '1' && $post->auth_field == 'phone' && !empty($post->phone) ); if (empty($post->email) && !$smsNotificationCanBeSent) { if ($iconOnly) { $out = ''; } return $out; } $btnLink = '#contactUser'; $btnClass = ''; if (!auth()->check()) { if (config('settings.single.guest_can_contact_authors') != '1') { $btnLink = '#quickLogin'; } } if ($iconOnly) { $out .= ''; $out .= ''; } else { if ($btnBlock) { $btnClass = $btnClass . ' btn-block'; } $out .= ''; $out .= ' '; $out .= t('Send a message'); } $out .= ''; return $out; } /** * Generate the Phone Number button * * @param $post * @param bool $btnBlock * @return string */ function genPhoneNumberBtn($post, bool $btnBlock = false): string { $post = (is_array($post)) ? Arr::toObject($post) : $post; $out = ''; if (empty($post->phone_intl) || $post->phone_hidden == 1) { return $out; } $enableWhatsAppBtn = (config('settings.single.enable_whatsapp_btn') == 1); $whatsAppPreFilledMessage = (config('settings.single.pre_filled_whatsapp_message') == 1) ? '?text=' . rawurlencode(t('whatsapp_pre_filled_message', [ 'title' => $post->title, 'appName' => config(''), ])) : ''; $whatsAppLink = '' . strToDigit($post->phone) . $whatsAppPreFilledMessage; $waBtnClass = ''; $btnLink = 'tel:' . $post->phone; $btnAttr = ''; $btnClass = ' phoneBlock'; /* for the JS showPhone() function */ $btnHint = t('Click to see'); $phone = $post->phone_intl; if (config('settings.single.hide_phone_number')) { $phoneToHide = normalizePhoneNumber($phone); if (config('settings.single.hide_phone_number') == '1') { $phone = str($phoneToHide)->mask('X', -str($phoneToHide)->length(), str($phoneToHide)->length() - 3); } if (config('settings.single.hide_phone_number') == '2') { $phone = str($phoneToHide)->mask('X', 3); } if (config('settings.single.hide_phone_number') == '3') { $phone = str($phoneToHide)->mask('X', 0); } $btnLink = ''; $btnAttrTooltip = 'data-bs-toggle="tooltip" data-bs-placement="bottom" title="' . $btnHint . '"'; $btnClassTooltip = ''; $btnAttr = $btnAttrTooltip; $btnClass = $btnClass . $btnClassTooltip; $enableWhatsAppBtn = false; } else { if (config('settings.single.convert_phone_number_to_img')) { try { $phone = \Larapen\TextToImage\Facades\TextToImage::make($phone, config('larapen.core.textToImage')); } catch (\Throwable $e) { $phone = $post->phone; } $btnClass = ''; } } if (config('settings.single.show_security_tips') == '1') { /* Set multiple data-bs-toggle for link in Bootstrap Tooltip + modal in button - Bootstrap Usage of '[rel="tooltip"]' as selector instead of '[data-bs-toggle="tooltip"]' for the tooltip, and trigger that with on hover event from JS */ $btnAttrTooltip = 'rel="tooltip" data-bs-placement="bottom" title="' . $btnHint . '"'; $btnClassTooltip = ''; $btnAttrModal = 'data-bs-toggle="modal"'; $btnLink = '#securityTips'; $btnAttr = $btnAttrModal . ' ' . $btnAttrTooltip; $btnClass = ' phoneBlock'; /* for the JS showPhone() function */ if (!config('settings.single.hide_phone_number')) { $phone = t('phone_number'); } $btnClass = $btnClass . ' ' . $btnClassTooltip; } if (!auth()->check()) { if (config('settings.single.guest_can_contact_authors') != '1') { $btnAttrModal = 'data-bs-toggle="modal"'; $phone = $btnHint; $btnLink = '#quickLogin'; $btnAttr = $btnAttrModal; $btnClass = ''; $enableWhatsAppBtn = false; } } if ($btnBlock) { $waBtnClass = $waBtnClass . ' btn-block'; $btnClass = $btnClass . ' btn-block'; } // Generate the Phone Number button $out .= ''; $out .= ' '; $out .= $phone; $out .= ''; if ($enableWhatsAppBtn) { $waBtnAttr = 'data-bs-toggle="tooltip" data-bs-placement="bottom" title="' . t('chat_on_whatsapp') . '"'; $waBtnClass = $waBtnClass . ''; // Generate the WhatsApp button $out .= ''; $out .= ' '; $out .= 'WhatsApp'; $out .= ''; } return $out; } /** * Set the Backup config vars * * @param string|null $typeOfBackup */ function setBackupConfig(string $typeOfBackup = null) { // Get the current version value $version = preg_replace('/[^\d+]/', '', config('')); // All backup filename prefix config()->set('backup.backup.destination.filename_prefix', 'site-v' . $version . '-'); // Database backup if ($typeOfBackup == 'database') { config()->set('backup.backup.admin_flags', [ '--disable-notifications' => true, '--only-db' => true, ]); config()->set('backup.backup.destination.filename_prefix', 'database-v' . $version . '-'); } // Languages' files backup if ($typeOfBackup == 'languages') { $include = [ lang_path(), ]; $pluginsDirs = glob(config('larapen.core.plugin.path') . '*', GLOB_ONLYDIR); if (!empty($pluginsDirs)) { foreach ($pluginsDirs as $pluginDir) { $pluginLangFolder = $pluginDir . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . 'resources' . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . 'lang'; if (file_exists($pluginLangFolder)) { $include[] = $pluginLangFolder; } } } config()->set('backup.backup.admin_flags', [ '--disable-notifications' => true, '--only-files' => true, ]); config()->set('backup.backup.source.files.include', $include); config()->set('backup.backup.source.files.exclude', [ //... ]); config()->set('backup.backup.destination.filename_prefix', 'languages-'); } // Generated files backup if ($typeOfBackup == 'files') { config()->set('backup.backup.admin_flags', [ '--disable-notifications' => true, '--only-files' => true, ]); config()->set('backup.backup.source.files.include', [ base_path('.env'), storage_path('app/public'), storage_path('installed'), ]); config()->set('backup.backup.source.files.exclude', [ //... ]); config()->set('backup.backup.destination.filename_prefix', 'files-'); } // App files backup if ($typeOfBackup == 'app') { config()->set('backup.backup.admin_flags', [ '--disable-notifications' => true, '--only-files' => true, ]); config()->set('backup.backup.source.files.include', [ base_path(), // base_path('.gitattributes'), base_path('.gitignore'), ]); config()->set('backup.backup.source.files.exclude', [ base_path('node_modules'), base_path('.git'), base_path('.idea'), base_path('.env'), base_path('bootstrap/cache') . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . '*', public_path('robots.txt'), storage_path('app/backup-temp'), storage_path('app/database'), storage_path('app/public/app/categories/custom') . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . '*', storage_path('app/public/app/ico') . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . '*', storage_path('app/public/app/logo') . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . '*', storage_path('app/public/app/page') . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . '*', storage_path('app/public/files') . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . '*', storage_path('app/purifier') . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . '*', storage_path('database/demo'), storage_path('backups'), storage_path('dotenv-editor') . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . '*', storage_path('framework/cache') . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . '*', storage_path('framework/sessions') . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . '*', storage_path('framework/testing') . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . '*', storage_path('framework/views') . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . '*', storage_path('installed'), storage_path('laravel-backups'), storage_path('logs') . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . '*', ]); config()->set('backup.backup.destination.filename_prefix', 'app-v' . $version . '-'); } } /** * Check if User is online * * @param $user * @return bool * @throws \Psr\SimpleCache\InvalidArgumentException */ function isUserOnline($user): bool { $user = (is_array($user)) ? Arr::toObject($user) : $user; $isOnline = false; if (!empty($user) && isset($user->id)) { if (config('settings.optimization.cache_driver') == 'array') { $isOnline = $user->p_is_online; } else { $isOnline = cache()->store('file')->has('user-is-online-' . $user->id); } } // Allow only logged users to get the other users status $guard = isFromApi() ? 'sanctum' : null; return auth($guard)->check() ? $isOnline : false; } /** * @param string $key * @return \Illuminate\Config\Repository|\Illuminate\Contracts\Foundation\Application|mixed */ function dynamicRoute(string $key) { return config($key); } /** * Set the Db Fallback Locale * * @param string|null $locale * @return void */ function setDbFallbackLocale(?string $locale): void { try { if (!\Jackiedo\DotenvEditor\Facades\DotenvEditor::keyExists('FALLBACK_LOCALE_FOR_DB')) { \Jackiedo\DotenvEditor\Facades\DotenvEditor::addEmpty(); } \Jackiedo\DotenvEditor\Facades\DotenvEditor::setKey('FALLBACK_LOCALE_FOR_DB', $locale); \Jackiedo\DotenvEditor\Facades\DotenvEditor::save(); } catch (\Throwable $e) { } } /** * Remove the Db Fallback Locale * * @return void */ function removeDbFallbackLocale(): void { try { if (!\Jackiedo\DotenvEditor\Facades\DotenvEditor::keyExists('FALLBACK_LOCALE_FOR_DB')) { \Jackiedo\DotenvEditor\Facades\DotenvEditor::addEmpty(); } \Jackiedo\DotenvEditor\Facades\DotenvEditor::setKey('FALLBACK_LOCALE_FOR_DB', 'null'); \Jackiedo\DotenvEditor\Facades\DotenvEditor::save(); } catch (\Throwable $e) { } } /** * @param $locale * @return void */ function addMissingTranslations($locale): void { $masterLocale = config('appLang.code'); if (empty($locale) || empty($masterLocale)) { return; } if ($locale == $masterLocale) { return; } // Update home sections translatable options $section = HomeSection::where('method', 'getSearchForm')->first(); if (!empty($section)) { $value = $section->value; $masterKey = 'title_' . $masterLocale; $localeKey = 'title_' . $locale; if (isset($value[$masterKey])) { $value[$localeKey] = $value[$masterKey]; } $masterKey = 'sub_title_' . $masterLocale; $localeKey = 'sub_title_' . $locale; if (isset($value[$masterKey])) { $value[$localeKey] = $value[$masterKey]; } $section->value = $value; if ($section->isDirty()) { $section->saveQuietly(); } } // Update the translatable tables columns $modelClasses = DBTool::getAppModelClasses(translatable: true); if (empty($modelClasses)) { return; } foreach ($modelClasses as $modelClass) { $model = new $modelClass; // Get the translatable columns $columns = method_exists($model, 'getTranslatableAttributes') ? $model->getTranslatableAttributes() : []; if (empty($columns)) { continue; } $modelCollection = $modelClass::query()->withoutGlobalScopes(); if ($modelCollection->doesntExist()) { continue; } foreach ($modelCollection->cursor() as $item) { foreach ($columns as $column) { $value = $item->getTranslations($column); if (isset($value[$masterLocale])) { $value[$locale] = $value[$masterLocale]; $item->setTranslations($column, $value) ->saveQuietly(); } } } } } /** * SEO Website Verification using meta tags * Allow full HTML tag or content="" value * * @return string */ function seoSiteVerification(): string { $engines = [ 'google' => [ 'name' => 'google-site-verification', 'content' => config('settings.seo.google_site_verification'), ], 'bing' => [ 'name' => 'msvalidate.01', 'content' => config('settings.seo.msvalidate'), ], 'yandex' => [ 'name' => 'yandex-verification', 'content' => config('settings.seo.yandex_verification'), ], 'alexa' => [ 'name' => 'alexaVerifyID', 'content' => config('settings.seo.alexa_verify_id'), ], ]; $out = ''; foreach ($engines as $engine) { if (isset($engine['name'], $engine['content']) && $engine['content']) { if (preg_match('|]+>|i', $engine['content'])) { $out .= $engine['content'] . "\n"; } else { $out .= '' . "\n"; } } } return $out; } /** * Is 'utf8mb4' is set as the database Charset * and 'utf8mb4_unicode_ci' is set as the database collation * * @return bool */ function isUtf8mb4Enabled(): bool { $defaultConnection = config('database.default'); $databaseCharset = config("database.connections.{$defaultConnection}.charset"); $databaseCollation = config("database.connections.{$defaultConnection}.collation"); // Allow Emojis when the database charset is 'utf8mb4' // and the database collation is 'utf8mb4_unicode_ci' if ($databaseCharset == 'utf8mb4' && $databaseCollation == 'utf8mb4_unicode_ci') { return true; } return false; } /** * @param string|null $path * @return string|null */ function relativeAppPath(?string $path): ?string { if (isDemoDomain()) { return getRelativePath($path); } return $path; } /** * @param string|null $url * @return string|null */ function getFilterClearBtn(?string $url): ?string { $out = ''; if (!empty($url)) { $float = (config('lang.direction') == 'rtl') ? 'left' : 'right'; $out .= ''; $out .= ''; $out .= ''; } return $out; } /** * @return bool */ function socialLoginIsEnabled(): bool { return ( config('settings.social_auth.social_login_activation') && ( (config('settings.social_auth.facebook_client_id') && config('settings.social_auth.facebook_client_secret')) || (config('settings.social_auth.linkedin_client_id') && config('settings.social_auth.linkedin_client_secret')) || (config('settings.social_auth.twitter_client_id') && config('settings.social_auth.twitter_client_secret')) || (config('settings.social_auth.google_client_id') && config('settings.social_auth.google_client_secret')) ) ); } /** * Get Form Border Radius CSS * * @param $formBorderRadius * @param $fieldsBorderRadius * @return string */ function getFormBorderRadiusCSS($formBorderRadius, $fieldsBorderRadius): string { $searchFormOptions['form_border_radius'] = $formBorderRadius . 'px'; $searchFormOptions['fields_border_radius'] = $fieldsBorderRadius . 'px'; $out = "\n"; if (config('lang.direction') == 'rtl') { $out .= '#homepage .search-row .search-col:first-child .search-col-inner {' . "\n"; $out .= 'border-top-right-radius: ' . $searchFormOptions['form_border_radius'] . ' !important;' . "\n"; $out .= 'border-bottom-right-radius: ' . $searchFormOptions['form_border_radius'] . ' !important;' . "\n"; $out .= '}' . "\n"; $out .= '#homepage .search-row .search-col:first-child .form-control {' . "\n"; $out .= 'border-top-right-radius: ' . $searchFormOptions['fields_border_radius'] . ' !important;' . "\n"; $out .= 'border-bottom-right-radius: ' . $searchFormOptions['fields_border_radius'] . ' !important;' . "\n"; $out .= '}' . "\n"; $out .= '#homepage .search-row .search-col .search-btn-border {' . "\n"; $out .= 'border-top-left-radius: ' . $searchFormOptions['form_border_radius'] . ' !important;' . "\n"; $out .= 'border-bottom-left-radius: ' . $searchFormOptions['form_border_radius'] . ' !important;' . "\n"; $out .= '}' . "\n"; $out .= '#homepage .search-row .search-col .btn {' . "\n"; $out .= 'border-top-left-radius: ' . $searchFormOptions['fields_border_radius'] . ' !important;' . "\n"; $out .= 'border-bottom-left-radius: ' . $searchFormOptions['fields_border_radius'] . ' !important;' . "\n"; $out .= '}' . "\n"; } else { $out .= '#homepage .search-row .search-col:first-child .search-col-inner {' . "\n"; $out .= 'border-top-left-radius: ' . $searchFormOptions['form_border_radius'] . ' !important;' . "\n"; $out .= 'border-bottom-left-radius: ' . $searchFormOptions['form_border_radius'] . ' !important;' . "\n"; $out .= '}' . "\n"; $out .= '#homepage .search-row .search-col:first-child .form-control {' . "\n"; $out .= 'border-top-left-radius: ' . $searchFormOptions['fields_border_radius'] . ' !important;' . "\n"; $out .= 'border-bottom-left-radius: ' . $searchFormOptions['fields_border_radius'] . ' !important;' . "\n"; $out .= '}' . "\n"; $out .= '#homepage .search-row .search-col .search-btn-border {' . "\n"; $out .= 'border-top-right-radius: ' . $searchFormOptions['form_border_radius'] . ' !important;' . "\n"; $out .= 'border-bottom-right-radius: ' . $searchFormOptions['form_border_radius'] . ' !important;' . "\n"; $out .= '}' . "\n"; $out .= '#homepage .search-row .search-col .btn {' . "\n"; $out .= 'border-top-right-radius: ' . $searchFormOptions['fields_border_radius'] . ' !important;' . "\n"; $out .= 'border-bottom-right-radius: ' . $searchFormOptions['fields_border_radius'] . ' !important;' . "\n"; $out .= '}' . "\n"; } $out .= '@media (max-width: 767px) {' . "\n"; $out .= '#homepage .search-row .search-col:first-child .form-control,' . "\n"; $out .= '#homepage .search-row .search-col:first-child .search-col-inner,' . "\n"; $out .= '#homepage .search-row .search-col .form-control,' . "\n"; $out .= '#homepage .search-row .search-col .search-col-inner,' . "\n"; $out .= '#homepage .search-row .search-col .btn,' . "\n"; $out .= '#homepage .search-row .search-col .search-btn-border {' . "\n"; $out .= 'border-radius: ' . $searchFormOptions['form_border_radius'] . ' !important;' . "\n"; $out .= '}' . "\n"; $out .= '}' . "\n"; return $out; } /** * Get the user's possible subscription features * * @param $user * @param string|null $feature * @return int|int[]|null */ function getUserSubscriptionFeatures($user, ?string $feature = null): array|int|null { $array = [ 'postsLimit' => null, 'picturesLimit' => null, 'expirationTime' => null, ]; if (empty($user)) { return empty($feature) ? $array : ($array[$feature] ?? null); } /* * With the 120 seconds of caching, we have to: * - Accept that the current payment will expire 2 minutes later than expected. * - Make sure that a new payment cannot be make in 2 minutes. */ $seconds = 120; $cacheId = 'user.subscription.payment.package'; $user = cache()->remember($cacheId, $seconds, function () use ($user) { /* * Important: * The basic packages can be saved as paid in the "payments" table by the OfflinePayment plugin * So, don't apply the fake basic features, so we have to exclude packages whose price is 0. */ $isNotBasic = fn ($q) => $q->where('price', '>', 0); $user->loadMissing(['payment' => fn ($q) => $q->withWhereHas('package', $isNotBasic)]); return $user; }); if (!empty($user->payment) && !empty($user->payment->package)) { $basicPostsLimit = config('settings.single.listings_limit', 5); $basicPicturesLimit = config('settings.single.pictures_limit', 5); $basicExpirationTime = config('settings.cron.activated_listings_expiration', 30); $postsLimit = $user->payment->package->listings_limit ?? $basicPostsLimit; $picturesLimit = $user->payment->package->pictures_limit ?? $basicPicturesLimit; $expirationTime = $user->payment->package->expiration_time ?? $basicExpirationTime; $postsLimit = ($postsLimit > 0) ? $postsLimit : $basicPostsLimit; $picturesLimit = ($picturesLimit > 0) ? $picturesLimit : $basicPicturesLimit; $expirationTime = ($expirationTime > 0) ? $expirationTime : $basicExpirationTime; $array['postsLimit'] = $postsLimit; $array['picturesLimit'] = $picturesLimit; $array['expirationTime'] = $expirationTime; } return empty($feature) ? $array : ($array[$feature] ?? null); } /** * Get possible promotion features to a listing * * @param \App\Models\Post $post * @param string|null $feature * @return int|int[]|null */ function getPostPromotionFeatures(Post $post, ?string $feature = null): array|int|null { $array = [ 'picturesLimit' => null, 'expirationTime' => null, ]; /* * Important: * The basic packages can be saved as paid in the "payments" table by the OfflinePayment plugin * So, don't apply the fake basic features, so we have to exclude packages whose price is 0. */ $isNotBasic = fn ($q) => $q->where('price', '>', 0); $post->loadMissing(['payment' => fn ($q) => $q->withWhereHas('package', $isNotBasic)]); if (!empty($post->payment) && !empty($post->payment->package)) { $basicPicturesLimit = config('settings.single.pictures_limit', 5); $basicExpirationTime = config('settings.cron.activated_listings_expiration', 30); $picturesLimit = $post->payment->package->pictures_limit ?? $basicPicturesLimit; $expirationTime = $post->payment->package->expiration_time ?? $basicExpirationTime; $picturesLimit = ($picturesLimit > 0) ? $picturesLimit : $basicPicturesLimit; $expirationTime = ($expirationTime > 0) ? $expirationTime : $basicExpirationTime; $array['picturesLimit'] = $picturesLimit; $array['expirationTime'] = $expirationTime; } return empty($feature) ? $array : ($array[$feature] ?? null); } /** * Get package ID request through 'package_id' or 'package' * * @return int|null */ function requestPackageId(): ?int { $packageId = null; if (request()->filled('package_id')) { $packageId = request()->input('package_id'); } if (empty($packageId)) { if (request()->filled('package')) { $packageId = request()->query('package'); } } if (empty($packageId)) { $packageId = (int)old('package_id'); if (!empty($packageId)) { if (!request()->has('package_id')) { request()->request->add(['package_id' => $packageId]); } return $packageId; } } return (int)$packageId; } /** * Get package by ID * * @param $packageId * @return \App\Models\Package|null */ function getPackageById($packageId): ?Package { $cacheExpiration = (int)config('settings.optimization.cache_expiration'); $cacheId = '' . $packageId . '.' . config('app.locale'); return cache()->remember($cacheId, $cacheExpiration, function () use ($packageId) { return Package::with(['currency'])->where('id', $packageId)->first(); }); } /** * Get the package type relating to the current request * * @return string|null */ function getRequestPackageType(): ?string { $isPromoting = isFromApi() ? str_contains(currentRouteAction(), '\Api\PostController') : ( str_contains(currentRouteAction(), '\Api\PostController') || str_contains(currentRouteAction(), '\Web\Public\Post') ); $isSubscripting = isFromApi() ? str_contains(currentRouteAction(), '\Api\UserController') : ( str_contains(currentRouteAction(), '\Api\UserController') || str_contains(currentRouteAction(), '\Web\Public\Auth') || str_contains(currentRouteAction(), '\Web\Public\Account') ); $type = null; if ($isPromoting) { $type = 'promotion'; } if ($isSubscripting) { $type = 'subscription'; } return $type; } /** * Country table's 'admin_type' enum column possible values * * @return array */ function enumCountryAdminTypes(): array { return [ '0' => trans('admin.none'), '1' => trans('admin.admin_division1'), '2' => trans('admin.admin_division2'), ]; } function getCountryFlagShapes(): array { return [ 'rectangle' => 'Rectangle Flags', // Default 'circle' => 'Circle Flags', 'hexagon' => 'Hexagon Flags', ]; } /** * @param string|null $countryCode * @param int|null $size * @return string|null */ function getCountryFlagUrl(?string $countryCode, ?int $size = 16): ?string { if (empty($countryCode)) return null; $size = !empty($size) ? $size : 16; $flagUrl = null; $shape = config('settings.localization.country_flag_shape', 'rectangle'); if ($shape == 'rectangle') { $missingIslandFlags = [ 'BQ' => 'NL', // Bonaire, Sint Eustatius, and Saba (Kingdom of the Netherlands) 'BV' => 'NO', // Bouvet Island (Norway) 'GF' => 'FR', // French Guiana (France) 'GP' => 'FR', // Guadeloupe (France) 'PM' => 'FR', // Saint Pierre and Miquelon (France) 'RE' => 'FR', // Réunion (France) 'SX' => 'NL', // Sint Maarten (Kingdom of the Netherlands) ]; } else { $missingIslandFlags = [ 'BV' => 'NO', // Bouvet Island (Norway) 'CW' => 'NL', // Curaçao (Kingdom of the Netherlands) 'AN' => 'NL', // Netherlands Antilles (Kingdom of the Netherlands) 'FM' => 'US', // Federated States of Micronesia (US | UN) 'CC' => 'AU', // Cocos (Keeling) Islands (Australia) 'AX' => 'FI', // Åland Islands (Finland) 'IM' => 'GB', // Isle of Man (United Kingdom) ]; } $code = $missingIslandFlags[$countryCode] ?? $countryCode; $flagPath = 'images/flags/' . $shape . '/' . $size . '/' . strtolower($code) . '.png'; if (file_exists(public_path($flagPath))) { $flagUrl = url($flagPath) . getPictureVersion(); } return getAsStringOrNull($flagUrl); }